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Incident Table

Table of Incidents - Alternative Accessibility Friendly Map View

This table exists to help users with screen reading assistive technology or other accessibility needs work around the map based design and navigation of InciWeb. The table below contains all active incidents that are displayed on the map ordered by most recently updated. The table can be ordered in ascending or descending order by incident, type, state or size by clicking the column name. To filter the table by a word or phrase (i.e. specific incident or state), enter the word in the search box above the table and press enter or click the search button to apply the filter. Click on a hyperlinked incident name to view the detailed information page for that incident. On the incident overview page, there is an additional submenu to access the incident's announcements, closures, news, maps, and photographs.
Incident Type State Incident Size Updated Sort ascending
Running Wolf Fire - MTHLF Wildfire Montana 93 Acres 46 seconds ago
2024 Sheering Fire CASTF - CASTF Wildfire California 114 Acres 2 minutes 7 seconds ago
Grapefruit Complex - AKUYD Wildfire Alaska 58153 Acres 48 minutes 24 seconds ago
Oak Ridge Fire - COPSF Wildfire Colorado 1190 Acres 51 minutes 53 seconds ago
2024 Pizona - CAINF Wildfire California 2160 Acres 1 hour 8 minutes ago
South Fork and Salt Fires Burned Area Emergency Response - NMMEA Burned Area Emergency Response New Mexico 2 hours 24 minutes ago
Basin Fire - CASNF Wildfire California 13166 Acres 2 hours 29 minutes ago
South Fork and Salt - NMMEA Wildfire New Mexico 17569 Acres 2 hours 41 minutes ago
McDonald Fire - AKMID Wildfire Alaska 160818 Acres 4 hours 4 minutes ago
2024 Park Ridge & Big Stump East Prescribed Burn - CAKNP Prescribed Fire California 560 Acres 5 hours 17 minutes ago
Glass - CAMDF Wildfire California 8 Acres 5 hours 31 minutes ago
Pioneer - WASES Wildfire Washington 4758 Acres 5 hours 44 minutes ago
Boulder View Fire - AZA4S Wildfire Arizona 3711 Acres 6 hours 59 minutes ago
Blue 2 Fire - NMLNF Wildfire New Mexico 7532 Acres 7 hours 30 minutes ago
Encerrita Fire - NMEMP Wildfire New Mexico 2499 Acres 1 day 1 hour ago
Gunsight Fire - AZASD Wildfire Utah 209 Acres 1 day 5 hours ago
Bear NV - NVHTF Wildfire Nevada 38 Acres 2 days 3 hours ago
HTNF 2024 Initial Attack - NVHTF Wildfire Nevada 0 Acres 2 days 3 hours ago
2024 Clear Fire - CAMDF Wildfire California 890 Acres 3 days 7 hours ago
Gold Creek - WANES Wildfire Washington 278 Acres 3 days 8 hours ago
Interlaken Fire - COPSF Wildfire Colorado 704 Acres 6 days 1 hour ago
Windy Shingle Timber Sale Project - IDNCF Prescribed Fire Idaho 140 Acres 6 days 6 hours ago
Foote Fire - AZASF Wildfire Arizona 4553 Acres 1 week 1 day ago
2024 Post Fire - CAANF Wildfire California 15690 Acres 1 week 1 day ago
Snow Ranch - COSJF Wildfire Colorado 386 Acres 1 week 3 days ago
Antone Fire - NMGNF Wildfire New Mexico 12396 Acres 1 week 5 days ago
Blue 2 Fire Post-Fire BAER - NMLNF Burned Area Emergency Response New Mexico 7532 Acres 1 week 5 days ago
Simmons Fire - AZA4S Wildfire Arizona 351 Acres 1 week 6 days ago
Rose Fire - AZA4S Wildfire Arizona 166 Acres 1 week 6 days ago
Mendocino NF Fall 2023/Spring 2024 RX Fire Projects - CAMNF Prescribed Fire California, United States Acres 2 weeks ago
Indios Wildfire - NMSNF Wildfire New Mexico 11500 Acres 2 weeks 1 day ago
Bear Fire - AZFTA Wildfire Arizona 447 Acres 2 weeks 2 days ago
Nisqually John - WANES Wildfire Washington 1221 Acres 2 weeks 2 days ago
Bighorn / Stateline Prescribed Fire - CORGF Prescribed Fire Colorado 1000 Acres 3 weeks ago
Adams Fire - AZTNF Wildfire Arizona 5029 Acres 3 weeks 1 day ago
Spring Fire - AZTNF Wildfire Arizona 4097 Acres 3 weeks 5 days ago
Beaverhead-Deerlodge NF Prescribed Fire Operations - MTBDF Prescribed Fire Montana Acres 3 weeks 5 days ago
Horse Fire AZTNF - AZTNF Wildfire Arizona 512 Acres 3 weeks 6 days ago
Wildcat Fire - AZTNF Wildfire Arizona 14402 Acres 4 weeks ago
2024 Spruce Creek CO - COSJF Wildfire Colorado 5699 Acres 1 month ago
Refuge - AZIMR Wildfire Arizona 1041 Acres 1 month ago
Moser Fire 2024 - NMLNF Wildfire New Mexico 96 Acres 1 month ago
Little Yamsay Fire - ORFWF Wildfire Oregon 6340 Acres 1 month ago
2024 San Juan National Forest Prescribed Fire Program - COSJF Prescribed Fire Colorado Acres 1 month 1 week ago
2024 Upper Peninsula Fire Management Unit Prescribed Fire – Ottawa National Forest - MIOTF Prescribed Fire Michigan Acres 1 month 1 week ago
2024 Klamath NF Spring Prescribed Burning - CAKNF Prescribed Fire California Acres 1 month 1 week ago
2023 Chilcoot Fire UNF - ORUPF Wildfire Oregon 1940 Acres 1 month 1 week ago
2023 Chilcoot Fire UNF - ORUPF Wildfire Oregon 1940 Acres 1 month 1 week ago
2023 Ridge Fire UNF - ORUPF Wildfire Oregon 214 Acres 1 month 1 week ago
2023 Ridge Fire UNF - ORUPF Wildfire Oregon 214 Acres 1 month 1 week ago
Fry Fire - MNSUF Wildfire Minnesota 186 Acres 1 month 2 weeks ago
Lincoln National Forest prescribed fire and pile burns (Spring 2024) - NMLNF Prescribed Fire New Mexico Acres 1 month 2 weeks ago
Toyo Fire - AZSCA Wildfire Arizona 1778 Acres 1 month 2 weeks ago
Southwest District BLM Prescribed Fire - COSJD Prescribed Fire Colorado Acres 1 month 2 weeks ago
Pine Flat Prescribed Fire - CAANF Prescribed Fire California Acres 1 month 3 weeks ago
2024 HTNF FOREST WIDE PRESCRIBED FIRE - NVHTF Prescribed Fire Nevada Acres 1 month 3 weeks ago
Baldy Mountain Landscape Resiliency and Habitat Improvement Project Prescribed Burn - COGMF Prescribed Fire Colorado 112 Acres 2 months ago
Cow Creek Prescribed Burn - COGMF Prescribed Fire Colorado Acres 2 months 2 weeks ago
2024 North Zone Complex - VAVAF Wildfire Virginia 15977 Acres 2 months 3 weeks ago
2024 Upper Peninsula Unit Prescribed Fire - Hiawatha NF East Zone - MIHIF Prescribed Fire Michigan Acres 3 months ago
2024 Upper Peninsula Unit Prescribed Fire - Hiawatha NF West Zone - MIHIF Prescribed Fire Michigan Acres 3 months ago
2024 Edith Gap/Serenity Ridge Fire (North Zone Complex) - VAVAF Wildfire Virginia 832 Acres 3 months ago
2024 Waterfall Mountain/Shenandoah Forest/211 Fire (North Zone Complex) - VAVAF Wildfire Virginia 6399 Acres 3 months ago
2024 Waites Run Fire (North Zone Complex) - VAVAF Wildfire Virginia 6223 Acres 3 months ago
2024 Capon/Brush Run Fire (North Zone Complex) - VAVAF Wildfire Virginia 2368 Acres 3 months ago
2024 Cove Mountain Fire (North Zone Complex) - VAVAF Wildfire Virginia 155 Acres 3 months ago