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Basin Fire

Unit Information

1600 Tollhouse Road 
1600 Tollhouse Road 

Incident Contacts

Fire Information
Phone: 1-559-468-6809
Hours: 8:00 a.m. to 7:00 pm

Facebook: Sierra National Forest     

Quick links:  PIO Map (PDF)      |    Fire History Map (PDF)     |     Daily Update (PDF)     |     Daily Operations Video Update      |     Smoke Report (PDF)

PEOPLE AND EQUIPMENT: 951 personnel, 23 crews, 51 engines & 7 helicopters. 

CURRENT SITUATION: The Basin Fire northeast of Fresno is currently at 13,166 acres and 17% containment. The fire is burning primarily in dry, dense grass within the Rough Fire scar from 2015. 

The majority of fire growth yesterday occurred on the western edge and northwest corner of the fire. Crews were able to access the western flank of the fire directly from the recently improved road and were able to contain a spot fire that started near Lower Rancheria Creek, tying it in with the main body of the fire. Bulldozers have constructed a contingency line west of the fire, which will tie in with existing roads to form fuel breaks around the west and north of the fire. Fire crossed the control line on the northern edge of the fire near Rogers Ridge, but firefighters were able contain it quickly. There was no movement on the southern edge of the fire, which continues to hold along the Kings River corridor. Three spike camps have been set up closer to the fire perimeter, which will allow crews to overnight near the fire, reducing travel time and allowing them to spend more time on the fire line. 

While the weather today is expected to follow the same trend as the last several days with highs of 87-93, a heat wave is expected tomorrow, bringing hotter temperatures and lower relative humidities throughout the week. The National Weather Service has issued an EXCESSIVE HEAT warning from July 2nd to July 8th: this is a long duration, high impact and dangerous heat wave. 

The Basin Fire started on June 26th and the cause is currently under investigation. Currently, the fire is burning at 2000-4500 elevation, northeast of Pine Flat Lake, west of the Spanish Mountain, south of Black Rock Rd (11S012) and north of the South Fork of the Kings River. 

EVACUATIONS: There are mandatory evacuation orders for Fresno County zones K29, K30, K31, K40, K41, K166.  Evacuation warnings are in effect for zones K61, and K76. Please check the Fresno County Evacuation map:

The Sierra National Forest has implemented new temporary fire restrictions prohibiting campfires, welding, and smoking in non-developed campsites. Visit for full details of the fire restrictions and Forest Order.

NEW Temporary Partial Forest Closure Order for the Basin Fire: To ensure the safety of the public and our firefighters, The Sierra National Forest has issued a Temporary Forest Closure for the Basin Fire area. Effective June 30, 2024, the closure will remain in effect until July 30, 2024. We urge the public to respect all closure signs and barriers and to avoid the area to prevent any potential accidents or interference with firefighting efforts. Please visit for the forest order and area map.

Forest Visitors:  This may impact your Fourth of July holiday plans! You will not be able to visit the campgrounds and trails within the closure area.  Please support our firefighters and stay out of this area.

Closures: Road closure signs have been placed on the perimeter of the fire.  The public should review which roads are closed before traveling into the area because no one will be allowed to enter zones under evacuation warnings. To access websites showing both evacuation orders, road closures and many other emergency resources, visit:

Smoke - Visit AirNow to find out the Air Quality Index in your area. As smoke gets worse, the amount of particles in the air changes - and so do the steps you should take to protect yourself. AirNow recommends precautions you can take to protect your health when air pollution gets bad

Basic Information
Current as of Mon, 07/01/2024 - 21:57
Incident Time Zone America/Los_Angeles
Incident Type Wildfire
Cause Under Investigation.
Date of Origin
Location East of Pine Flat Reservoir, 46 miles East of Sanger
Incident Commander California Incident Management Team 11 assumed command of the Basin Fire at 7:00 on June 28th.
Incident Description The Basin Wildfire is burning in grass, chapparal and oak timber. It is also burning in steep terrain.
Coordinates 36° 51' 52'' Latitude
-119° 6'
'' Longitude
Current Situation
Total Personnel: 951
Size 13,166 Acres
Percent of Perimeter Contained 17%
Fuels Involved

Tall Grass, Brush, and Hardwood (Oak) Litter.

Tall grass is predominant, with some hardwood.  Live fuel moisture is near average. 1000 hour fuels (larger trees) are above average and Energy Release Component (ERC's) are below average for the time of year.

Significant Events

Active with Uphill Runs and Short-range Spotting.

Continued growth to the western and northwest portion of the fire. Moderate to large areas of intense
fire was along the western and northwestern portions of the fire. Scattered fire was throughout
the body of the fire. Isolated fires were generally within fairly close proximity to the main perimeters.

Planned Actions

This fire is a full suppression fire.  The current strategy of using tactical ridges and indirect line reduces
exposure for responders and provides for fire control lines, immediate terrain does not allow for direct
attack on all portions of the fire. Direct attack is being utilized where feasible.

Projected Incident Activity

12 hours: Diurnal winds will push the fire to the west along the Kings River. These winds will also influence fire movement in Dinky Creek north Balch Camp.
24 hours: Continued hot and dry conditions will promote growth to the west and north of the Kings River impacting the Dinky Creek drainage, PG&E infrastructure and developed campgrounds along the Kings River.
48 hours: More growth is expected to the west and north potentially impacting the PG&E easement and infrastructure. Any growth along the Kings River will continue to impact developed campgrounds
72 hours: Excessive heat for the fire area will continue. The drying of fuels will lower fuel moisture which will contribute to the potential for continued growth. Potential Impacts will continue to be PG&E assets. Balch Camp, and campgrounds along the Kings River and surrounding area.
Anticipated after 72 hours: Increasing heat and low relative humidity will continue the potential for increased growth

Current Weather
Weather Concerns

Continued warm and dry with light westerly winds over the fire. Building high pressure over the west will bring an extended period of dangerous heat and very dry conditions through the rest of the week. This combination of hot and dry weather with drying fuels will lead to critical fire weather through the holiday weekend. 

**Excessive Heat Warning in effect for the Basin Fire and fire camp until Monday July 8th** 

12-hour (overnight): Warm & dry. Warmer overnight low temps. T: 67-72. RH Max: 43-49% Wind: SW 6- 9, then NE gravity winds after midnight 8-12mph G18mph. 

24-hour: (Tues): Hot & Dry. Excessive Heat Warning. High Temps: 89-93 RH Min: 40-45% Wind: West 7- 10mph G14mph. 

48-hour: (Wens): Hot & Dry. Temp up 5 degrees. High Temps: 90-95. RH Min: 36-40%. Wind: SW 6-9 G15mph. 

72-hour: (Thurs): High Temps: 95-100 Min RH: 30-35%. Winds: West 6-9 G14mph.