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Basin Fire

Unit Information

1600 Tollhouse Road 
1600 Tollhouse Road 

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  • Fire Information
    8:00 a.m. to 8:00 pm

Basin Fire Update 07-16-2024

Basin Fire
Publication Type: News - 07/16/2024 - 08:00

Basin Fire Update           

Tuesday July 16, 2024                      

Information: (559) 855-5355


Facebook: @SierraNF

PEOPLE AND EQUIPMENT:  207 personnel, 4 crews, 4 engines, 3 helicopters, 2 dozers and 5 water tenders 

CURRENT SITUATION: The Basin Fire is 14,023 acres, with no increase in acreage. Containment remains at 95%. The threat of thunderstorms is minimal for the next few days.  Slightly cooler, more seasonable temperatures are forecast through tomorrow, before a warming trend returns to the area by the end of the week and into the weekend. Dryer conditions will prevail with low humidity, poor overnight recoveries, and mainly terrain driven winds. Temperatures today are expected to reach 96 to 100 degrees in lower elevations of the fire line with daytime relative humidity 20% to 30%. Winds are forecast to remain low, from the southwest at 9 mph, with gusts to 20 mph. There is a chance of thunderstorms this coming weekend.

Firefighters continue to monitor the fire line and backhaul any equipment that is no longer needed.  Some resources have been loaned to assist with new wildfires in the area. 


Fire Suppression:  Firefighters continue to patrol and monitor for any flare-ups, threats to the containment line, and visible smoke. Unburned areas within the fire’s western perimeter may produce smoke. When available aircraft will assist firefighters in monitoring the fire line and will use water drops when necessary.

Suppression Repair:  Suppression repair efforts continue in areas of the fire that are no longer posing a threat. Due to very dry fuels, firefighters have not been using dozers due to the risk of starting a spot fire. Hand tools are being used in these areas to return them to as natural a state as practical, until the use of heavier equipment can be re-introduced.

The Basin Fire started on June 26, 2024, and the cause is currently under investigation.  The fire is at 2000-4500 feet elevation, northeast of Pine Flat Lake, west of the Spanish Mountain, south of Black Rock Rd (11S012) and north of the South Fork of the Kings River. 

Fire updates are posted on Inciweb:


FOREST CLOSURE and FIRE RESTRICTIONS for the Basin Fire: To ensure the safety of the public and our firefighters, The Sierra National Forest has issued a Temporary Partial Forest Closure Orders No. 05-15-52-24-19 & 20 for the Basin Fire area. Effective July 10, 2024, the closure will remain in effect until July 31, 2024. We urge the public to respect all closure signs and barriers and to avoid the area to prevent any potential accidents or interference with firefighting efforts. 

Check for the Basin Fire closure area map. Roads & trails in this area on the Sierra National Forest are CLOSED.

The Sierra National Forest has implemented temporary fire restrictions prohibiting campfires except within designated recreation sites. Operating vehicles off roads or trails is prohibited, and welding is prohibited.  Smoking is only allowed in vehicles, buildings and designated recreation sites. 

Visit for more information or call the Sierra National Forest (559) 855-5355 during business hours for questions.