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2025 San Juan National Forest Prescribed Fire Program

Unit Information

15 Burnett Court 
15 Burnett Court 

Incident Contacts

Lorena Williams
Phone: 970-422-2939
Hours: 8am-5pm

Highlighted Media

The 2024/25 prescribed fire (pile burning) season continues.. Fire personnel will carry out prescribed fires as weather, fuel, and the availability of fire resources permit. 

The forests in Southwest Colorado are part of a fire-adapted ecosystem, which historically experienced frequent, low intensity fires on a large scale. Prescribed fire replicates that fire regime and increases the area on our landscape that has been burned at low and moderate conditions.

Reintroduction of prescribed fire is necessary to improve and restore vegetative conditions. This effort will reduce hazardous ground fuels, lessen the risk of unplanned large-scale wildfire, help restore ponderosa pine ecosystems, and improve wildlife habitat. Prescribed fire also reduces the ladder fuels that can carry fire into the canopy, killing mature trees.

2024/25 Winter Pile Burning Plans:

The Dolores Ranger District plans to burn slash piles near the following locations: 

(Smoke may be visible from State Highway 184, State Highway 145, and U.S. Route 491)

  • Haycamp Mesa area (250 acres, 800 piles) near FSRs 556, 556.G and 492, south of Beef Pasture Reservoir; 
  • Boggy Draw area (14 acres, 4 piles) near FSR 526.B 
  • Beaver Rim Gravel Pit
  • Taylor Mesa area (390 acres, 134 piles) near FSRs 545 and 545.J
  • Salter area (400 acres, 400 piles) near FSRs 514, 504, 519 and 293, northwest of Salter Y
  • Lake Canyon and Glade areas (3100 acres, 1400 piles) near FSRs 506, 504, 508, 512, 514, 215 , 270, 216 and 218 near Glade Canyon. 

The Pagosa Ranger District plans to burn slash piles near the following locations: 

  • Turkey Springs Piles, 15 acres, northwest of Pagosa Springs, adjacent to Piedra Road (Archuleta County Road 600) and Turkey Springs  Road (FSR 629).
  • Longest Mile Piles, 7 acres, 12 miles northwest of Pagosa Springs, adjacent to Piedra Stock Driveway Trail and East Monument Road (FSR630).
  • Buckles Lake Road Piles,13 Acres, 16 miles southwest of Pagosa Springs, adjacent to Buckles Lake Road (FSR 663) and US Highway 84.
  • Coyote Creek Piles, 15 miles, southwest of Pagosa Springs, between Buckles Lake Road (FSR 663) and Alpine Lakes Ranch subdivision.
  • Mariposa Timber Sales Piles, 326 acres, 9 miles, east of Pagosa Springs, near the Porcupine Road (FSR 024)
  • Huerto Timber Sale Piles, 596 acres, 20 miles northwest of Pagosa Springs, between the Weminuche Valley and Williams Reservoir.
  • Fawn Gulch Piles, 16 acres, 4 miles, northeast of Pagosa Springs, north of Fawn Gulch Road (FSR 666) and Log Park subdivision.
  • Quartz Piles, 20 acres, 17 miles northeast of Pagosa Springs, adjacent to Quartz Creek Road (FSR 684). 

The Columbine Ranger District:

  • Planned to begin February 24
    • Yellow Jacket (2553 acres) near FS road 608 and 743
    • Little Bull (988 acres) near FS road 683
    • Piedra (617 acres) near FS road 615.A
  • Saul’s Creek (50 acres, 100 piles) near FS road 755 COMPLETED
  • Fossett Gulch (17 acres, 100 piles) near FS road 841 COMPLETED
  • Baldy Mountain (117 acres, 10 piles) near FS roads 69 and 601 COMPLETED


2024 Broadcast Prescribed Fire Accomplishments:



  • Boggy Draw: 1,156 acres
  • Salter Y Units 34 and 37: 1,279 acres 


  • Vallecito-Piedra: 235 acres
  • Saul's Creek: 1,615 acres
  • Southern HDs: 1,080 acres


  • Fawn Gulch 1,100 acres
  • Mill Creek: 400 acres


2023/24 Winter Pile Burning Accomplishments: 


  • Haycamp Mesa area (427 acres, 750 piles) near FSRs 556 and 492, south of Beef Pasture Reservoir
  • Taylor Mesa area (145 acres, 44 piles) near FSRs 545 and 692
  • Salter area (321 acres, 267 piles) near FSRs 514, 504, 519 and 293, northwest of Salter Y
  • Lake Canyon area (518 acres, 336 piles) near FSRs 506, 504, 508, 514, 215, and 216 near Cow Canyon 


  • Sauls Creek (110 acres, 1800 piles) near FS roads 755, 755.A, 131, and 131.C 
  • Junction Creek (90 acres, 75 piles) near FS road 171, in the Log Chutes trail area 
  • Fossett Gulch (40 acres, 100 piles) near FS roads 613 and 841
  • Baldy Mountain (623 acres, 60 slash piles) off of Beaver Meadows Road 


  • Lower portion of Turkey springs Road (FSR 629) near the powerlines
  • Turkey Springs Road near the Turkey Springs Guard Station 
  • Brockover Road (FSR 919), Buckles Lake Road (FSR 633)
  • Huerto Creek timber sale between Piedra Road (FSR 621) and Poison Park Road (FSR 644) 

Basic Information
Current as of Fri, 02/14/2025 - 11:16
Incident Type Prescribed Fire
Date of Origin
Location San Juan National Forest
Coordinates 37° 16' 24.2796'' Latitude
-107° 53'
'' Longitude