Incident Media Photographs
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A K9 and handler from PAWS Search and Rescue searched on August 17th for a missing firefighter in the Olnes Pond Campground. The firefighter was located safely the evening of August 17.

The backhaul of structure equipment on the Lost Horse Creek Fire continues in muddy conditions.

The Pioneer Peak Hotshot crew has been working to secure the southwestern corner of the fire perimeter. They are cutting, piling, and burning vegetation to increase the security of the fire perimeter.

The Nulato Hills 2 Crew going to work on structure protection, August 9, 2023.

The Pioneer Peak Hotshot crew works on the southwest edge of the fire, piling and burning fuels to secure the southwest corner of the fire.

The Pioneer Peak Hotshot crew works on the southwest corner of the fire. They are looking for remaining heat within the fire perimeter. Removing sources of heat will increase the integrity of the fire perimeter.
The Pioneer Peak Hot Shots load their supplies for being dropped in spike camp on the Lost Horse Creek Fire, August 12, 2023.
Miles of dozer line on the Lost Horse Creek Fire, August 12, 2023.
Hose lay on a dozer line on the Lost Horse Creek Fire, August 10, 2023. David Lee/Franco Crew
The Pioneer Peak Hot Shots pile their gear ready to go out to the Lost Horse Creek Fire, AUgust 12, 2023.
The Student Conservation Association (SCA) crew in a huddle on the Lost Horse Creek Fire, August 12, 2023.