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Camp Creek Fire

Unit Information


Incident Contacts

  • Fire Information
    (971) 334-7674
    8:00am - 8:00pm

Camp Creek Fire Daily Update for Tuesday, September 12

Camp Creek Fire
Publication Type: News 09/13/2023

Size: 2,023 acres

Start Date:  August 25, 2023

Cause: naturally caused, lightning

Location: 1.5 miles south of Bull Run Reservoir #1 near the junction of Forest Roads 1210 and 12

Containment: 44%

Total personnel: 451

Updated phone number for Camp Creek Fire information: 971-334-7674

Current Situation: Great Basin Team 1 transferred command of the Camp Creek Fire to Pacific Northwest Team 3 Incident Management Team at 8:00 p.m. yesterday. Pacific Northwest Team 3 will continue working to keep the Camp Creek fire as small as possible, while providing for public and firefighter safety. Yesterday the fire remained within the existing footprint as fire crews worked to further secure the fireline, prepare alternate lines further from the fire edge, and scout for opportunities to take direct action closer the fire edge, where possible.

Today’s activities: Firefighters will continue engaging in suppression actions to keep the fire within established control lines and minimize fire spread. On the northern edge, firefighters continue with mop up operations to add depth and further secure the fireline. Crews will continue working to prepare and improve Forest Roads 12 and 1211 to serve as alternate firelines. East of the fire, where very steep terrain and heavy fuels have limited opportunities thus far for direct suppression at the fire edge, firefighters will continue scouting for options to take direct suppression actions. To the south, additional mop up to further secure the fireline will continue as will hauling of vegetation from the fire area.

Weather: Seasonally average temperatures and slightly higher humidity levels are expected through mid-week, with warmer and drier conditions likely into the weekend. Fire activity continues to be minimal, primarily creeping and smoldering.

Smoke: Current smoke outlook:

Closures: Barlow Wayside Park and the Sandy Ridge Recreation Site are temporarily closed due to fire activity. Clackamas County residents can sign up at to receive emergency alerts via email, phone, or text.

Restrictions: A Temporary Flight Restriction (TFR) is issued over the fire area. It is illegal for the public to fly drones over or near wildfires because of the potential for accidents and disruption of suppression operations. Regardless of the fire, aircraft is not permitted to fly over the Bull Run Watershed Management Unit.

Operational Briefing Video: View the September 12, 2023 Operational Update Video (8:16)