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Smoke Outlook, 8/12 - 8/13
Black Feather Fire
Publication Type: News 08/13/2023
Northern-Central New Mexico Black Feather
The Black Feather Fire is 0% contained and has burned an estimated 2,158 acres.
Black Feather Fire: Increased moisture and wetting rainfall potential will again limit active fire behavior and perimeter growth the next several days. Active smoldering of heavy dead/down and blowdown fuels will be limited.
Substantial plume of monsoon moisture will continue to overspread the area from south to north this weekend into early next week. Increased humidity, cloud cover and daily rounds of scattered-widespread showers and thunderstorms will signifignatly reduce fire activity. As a result, smoke impacts, if any, are expected to remain minimal and localized to areas near the fire perimeters. A trend toward warmer temperatures, drier conditions, and fewer storms may develop late next week. Overall, GOOD air quality conditions are expected through the outlook period.