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New Fire Start on Carson National Forest
Comanche Fire
Publication Type: News 06/08/2023
Carson National Forest fire crews are currently on scene of a lightning-caused fire off Forest Road 137 on the El Rito Ranger District. It is located on the north slopes of Comanche Canyon and is approximately eight miles west of El Rito, NM, 11 miles north of Abiquiu, NM, and 10 miles southeast of Canjilon, NM. It was first reported around 1:45 p.m.
Named the Comanche Fire, the estimated 1/10-acre wildfire is smoldering and creeping in ponderosa, piñon pine and juniper tree stands. There is no threat to lives, homes or infrastructure.
“Fire staff are evaluating the potential of managing this naturally-caused wildfire to improve forest and watershed health,” said District Ranger Angie Krall. “We have been working with partners for years to reduce fuel loads in the Rio Chama watershed and will take advantage of this fire if the conditions and timing are suitable.”
The Comanche Fire is burning within the footprint of the Rio Chama Collaborative Forest Landscape Restoration Project, where the Forest Service and partners are working across boundaries on 3.8 million acres in Northern New Mexico and Southern Colorado. A key project goal is to restore natural fire regimes to gain numerous benefits, from improved watershed health to increased habitat quality.
Fire updates will be provided in future news releases and on InciWeb at