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Smoke rising from the ridgeline through the sunset.

Aerial ignitions are occurring on the Comanche Fire to create depth in the containment lines.

Comanche Fire Smoke in the morning near Ghost Ranch, NM, 06.23.23

Crews prepping fire line on the Comanche Fire.

Low intensity understory burning on the Comanche Fire
Cattle love the nutrients released from vegetation after a fire has burned through an area.

As fire moves through the landscape, thick understory is consumed, leaving a cleaner healthier forest behind.
View of smoke from US 84; Comanche Fire.

Thursday, June 22, 2023
El Rito Senior/Community Center
State Road 554 House #1115
5 – 7 PM

Firefighters hold the fire line on the Comanche fire

Comanche Fire Division W Hand Ignitions 06.22.23

Firefighters hold the line on the Comanche Fire.