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June 30, 2023, Update
Comanche Fire
Publication Type: News 07/17/2023
Upcoming Actions: There is minimal fire activity today with some creeping and smoldering. Crews are working to mop up the western edge, cooling any hotspots. Suppression repair and rehabilitation continues as crews work to reduce erosion, reseed where needed, fix fences and close dozer lines. With fire activity decreasing, management of the fire will be turned over to the El Rito Ranger District of the Carson National Forest on Saturday. The incident complexity level of the fire will drop to Type 4 from Type 3.
The Northern New Mexico Type 3 Incident Management Team and Incident Commanders Luke McLarty and Steven Griego would like to thank the public for their hospitality and support during their stay in El Rito. This will be the final update from the team unless significant changes occur.
Smoke: The fire is showing minimal smoke. There may be some interior pockets of fuel that continue to creep and smolder, leading to some smoke showing over the next few days. Smoke may be visible from Canjilon, Abiquiu, El Rito and as far as Santa Fe and Taos. It may impact the communities of Abiquiu, El Rito, Medenales, Hernandez and the Española Valley. Temporary smoke monitors have been placed at the El Rito Ranger Station, Ghost Ranch in Abiquiu and the Chevron station in Hernandez. Air quality data is available from the Fire and Smoke Map at
Closure: Temporary partial road closures on Forest Roads 137 and 20 remain in effect.
Fast Facts Size: 1,974 acres
Cause: Lightning
Fuels: Ponderosa pine and mixed conifer
Values at risk: Cultural/historical sites.
Percent Completed: 75%
Resources: 1 hand crew, 2 wildland fire modules, 4 engines, 1 grader, 1 excavator, 2 water tender, 1 REMS teams, total 81 personnel