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June 24, 2023, Update
Comanche Fire
Publication Type: News 06/25/2023
Northern New Mexico Type 3 Incident Management Team
Luke McLarty, Incident Commander
Fire Information: 505-418-1038
Upcoming Actions: Fire crews worked hard to successfully hold the Comanche Fire within its containment lines on Friday despite Red Flag conditions. This was possible due to the extensive planning and tactics implemented during the previous days. Increased smoke was due to interior burning.
Fire managers continue to assess and plan for various scenarios in the coming days depending on fire behavior, which is affected by weather, fuel conditions and terrain. The goal is to continue to work with this naturally caused wildfire so it can fulfill its ecological role on the landscape while responsibly adjusting to conditions.
The fire will continue to burn, but the final acreage will be less than the 10,000-acre focus area due to changing weather and vegetation drying out. Plans in place and tactics already implemented are allowing crews to manage the fire and give them the ability to slow spread and contain it safely and effectively where and when necessary.
Smoke: Smoke may be visible from Canjilon, Abiquiu, El Rito and as far as Santa Fe and Taos. It may impact the communities of Abiquiu, El Rito, Medenales, Hernandez and the Española Valley. Temporary smoke monitors have been placed at the El Rito Ranger Station, Ghost Ranch in Abiquiu and at the Chevron station in Hernandez. Air quality data is available from the Fire and Smoke Map at
Closure: Temporary partial road closures are in effect on Forest Roads 137 and 20 during firing operations for safety of the public and fire crews.
Fast Facts
Size: 1795 acres
Cause: Lightning
Fuels: Ponderosa pine and mixed conifer
Values at risk: Cultural/historical sites.
Percent Completed: 15%
Resources: 3 hand crews, 2 wildland fire modules, 7 engines, 1 dozer, 2 water tender, 2 REMS teams, total personnel 187