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Peach Orchard Prescribed Burn

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Unit Information

200 Sycamore Street 
200 Sycamore Street 

Incident Contacts

Julie Fosbender
Phone: 304-704-1160
Hours: M-F, 8:30am to 5pm
Kelly Bridges
Phone: 304-642-2864
Hours: M-F, 8:00am to 4:30pm

This incident is no longer being updated.

This spring Monongahela National Forest officials plan to conduct a prescribed burn on 1,119 acres of National Forest System land in the Peach Orchard area, northwest of Blue Bend Recreation Area in Greenbrier County.

Why do we burn?

Reintroducing fire into the forest will:

  • Restore historic fire regimes
  • Improve wildlife habitat
  • Enhance forest structure and age diversity
  • Improve oak regeneration
  • Control tree diseases and insects
  • Reduce hazardous fuel levels

How do we manage a prescribed burn?

Fire managers prepare a burn plan for each prescribed burn describing the appropriate conditions needed to conduct the burn safely and achieve the desired results. Burn plans consider public safety, protection of private property, staffing and equipment needs, temperature, humidity, wind, moisture of the vegetation, and smoke dispersal. Appropriate conditions must be met before igniting prescribed burns. A control line is established around each burn area before ignition, using hand tools and other equipment, roads, trails, and natural features such as creeks and other water sources.

Public Safety

Each burn area will be closed to the public on the day of the burn. The area may be closed for several days for public safety. Signs will be posted along the fire line and at entry points into the area. Area residents and travelers may see or smell smoke during fire operations. If you encounter smoke on the highway, slow down, turn on your vehicle’s lights and drive appropriately for the conditions. 

Public Notification

The Forest Service will notify local 911 centers and radio stations on the day of the burn. Information, maps and the latest updates are available at


Marlinton-White Sulphur Ranger District - 304-536-2144 

Basic Information
Current as of Mon, 03/28/2022 - 10:12
Incident Type Prescribed Fire
Date of Origin
Incident Commander Monongahela National Forest
Coordinates 37° 57' 0'' Latitude
-80° 17'
'' Longitude
Current Situation
Percent of Perimeter Contained 0%
Projected Incident Activity

Wed 3/23: Ignitions are complete. Rain is falling. Fire staff are monitoring burn area.