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Peach Orchard Prescribed Burn
Unit Information
Incident Contacts
- Julie FosbenderEmail:julie.fosbender@usda.govPhone:304-704-1160Hours:M-F, 8:30am to 5pm
- Kelly BridgesEmail:kelly.bridges@usda.govPhone:304-642-2864Hours:M-F, 8:00am to 4:30pm
Conditions look favorable - Crews are gathering on site.
Peach Orchard Prescribed Burn
Publication Type: Announcement 03/22/2022
Conditions continue to look favorable for the Peach Orchard prescribed burn today, Tuesday March 22. Crews are assembling on site. They plan to ignite a test burn later this morning. If the test burn is successful, they will conduct the entire prescribed burn. Check back for further updates!