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Peach Orchard Prescribed Burn

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Unit Information

200 Sycamore Street 
200 Sycamore Street 

Incident Contacts

  • Julie Fosbender
    M-F, 8:30am to 5pm
  • Kelly Bridges
    M-F, 8:00am to 4:30pm

Monongahela National Forest Plans Spring 2022 Prescribed Burns

Peach Orchard Prescribed Burn
Publication Type: News 03/21/2022

 Elkins, W.Va., March 3, 2022 — Monongahela National Forest plans to conduct prescribed burns on 2,964 acres in Greenbrier and Pendleton counties from March through June, weather permitting. The purposes of these burns are to re-establish fire’s natural role in the forest ecosystem, improve forest health and wildlife habitat, and reduce the threat of catastrophic wildfires.

Project areas planned for prescribed burns this spring include:
  • Big Mountain Unit 1 – 557 acres west of Cherry Grove in Pendleton County
  • Meadow Creek – 221 acres northeast of Neola in Greenbrier County
  • One Mile/Lick Mountain – 1,067 acres west and northwest of Neola in Greenbrier County
  • Peach Orchard – 1,119 acres west of Blue Bend Campground in Greenbrier County
Each burn area will be closed to the public on the day of the burn, and may be closed for several days after, to ensure public safety. Signs will be posted on roads near all prescribed burn areas before and during burning. Residents and Forest visitors may see and smell smoke for several days. If you encounter smoke on the highway, slow down, turn on your vehicle’s lights and drive appropriately for the conditions. Prescribed burns are conducted under specific weather conditions and are designed to accomplish pre-determined forest management goals. Monongahela National Forest follows strict guidelines for conducting prescribed burns, and takes into consideration environmental factors such as temperature, humidity, smoke dispersion and wind. If any environmental conditions are not within limits, the burn will be postponed. Local radio stations will be alerted to burn activities ahead of time. When burning begins, information, photos, and maps will be available at  


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