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- Fish Fire a.m. - 8 p.m.
Fish Fire Daily Update, Tuesday, August 9
Publication Type: News 10/26/2022
Fish Fire Update
Monday, August 9, 2022 – 9:00 a.m.
Wyoming State Type 3 IMT 3
Timothy Sherwin, Incident Commander
Information Phone: 307-363-0046
Information Staffing Hours: 7 a.m. to 8 p.m.
The Fish Fire is now 98% contained. It is currently being managed by the Wyoming State Type 3 Incident Management Team 3 led by Incident Commander, Timothy Sherwin. Firefighters continue to work on completing and improving line, checking for remaining heat and repairing areas disturbed during the fire suppression efforts.
Current Situation: Fire crews made additional headway on the Fish Fire yesterday. While fuels will continue to dry and temperatures will rise as the week progresses, no to low rates of fire spread are expected to continue for the next couple of days. This will aid firefighters in their progress towards full containment. The number of personnel has been downsized to 178; remaining resources include 3 crews, 14 engines and 2 bulldozers. The Fish Fire will be turned back to the local agencies when the circumstances allow.
Three firefighting divisions remain on the Fish Fire. Division A is working on the last section of uncontained line east of Bear Den spring. There were several areas of heat here, which crews and engines will continue to mop up and cold trail, as well as patrol the line in the remainder of the division.
Division M is fully contained; crews and engines will be “gridding” (searching for fire/heat by systematically traveling over an area on parallel courses or gridlines) to a chain’s length (66 feet) inside the fireline.
The Repair Division continues their work to restore or mitigate impacts caused by firefighting activities, reducing the visual aspects of disturbance, reducing risk of soil erosion, and speeding recovery of the soil and vegetation.
There will be a reconnaissance flight today to evaluate fire status and conditions. This gives the fire managers a different perspective then from the ground, and ensures that no areas of the fire needing additional attention have been missed.
Weather & Fuel Conditions: Heat is expected to return today, with temperatures in the low to mid 90s, and relative humidity falling to 15-20%. Skies will remain clear, with light and variable winds. It is expected to remain hot and dry for the rest of the week, with poor to fair recovery in the relative humidity overnight.
Closures and Fire Restrictions:
An Area Closure is still in place for the Fish Fire on Black Hills National Forest. For additional information, visit
For fire restrictions on all lands within the Black Hills, visit
Wildfires are a no-fly zone for unauthorized aircraft, including drones. If you fly, we can’t. For more information, visit
Fish Fire Statistics:
Size: 6793 acres
Containment: 98%
Total Personnel: 178
Location: 7 mi. S. of Sundance, WY
Reported: July 31, 2022
Cause: human caused, under investigation
For More Information:
Information Phone: 307-363-0046
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