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- Fish Fire a.m. - 8 p.m.
Fish Fire Daily Update, Sunday, August 7
Publication Type: News 08/07/2022
Fish Fish Fire Update
Sunday, August 7, 2022 – 9:00 a.m.
Rocky Mountain Complex Incident Management Team 1
Dan Dallas, Incident Commander
Information Phone: 307-363-0046
Information Staffing Hours: 7 a.m. to 8 p.m.
Special Note: Today will be the last shift of the Rocky Mountain Complex Incident Management Team Type I, led by Incident Commander Dan Dallas. Command of the Fish Fire will be transferred to the Wyoming State Type 3 Incident Management Team 3 led by Incident Commander Timothy Sherwin at 7:00 a.m. Monday. Personnel from this team are on-site shadowing with the Rocky Mountain Team to implement a smooth transition. The Rocky Mountain Team appreciates the community’s support throughout the last week.
Current Situation: Firefighters made more progress yesterday securing the fire perimeter, and containment is now at 94%. This success was achieved by employing the same tactics of the last several days, which included securing firelines, patrolling, and mopping up heat sources close to the fireline. As expected, late-afternoon and nighttime thunderstorms dropped rain onto some sections of the fire with the entire fire area receiving varying amounts of rainfall.
Today, firefighters will begin work with extra caution and attentiveness to additional fireline and roadway hazards due to last night’s rain. Once firefighters can engage, work on the final piece of fireline in Division A will resume. In other divisions, backhauling of supplies and equipment will begin. Backhauling is the process of removing equipment no longer needed from the fire area. Generators, hoses and pumps, and portable water tanks are then reconditioned and made available for use on other fires. Suppression repair will continue today and be expanded into Divisions M and parts of A. As part of this work, crews distribute slash along dozer and hand lines to prevent soil erosion and water channeling. This helps restore plant growth. On more recent sections of contained fireline, firefighters will continue patrols and mop up any hot spots.
Branch I Division K: Full containment was reached in this division yesterday. Today, firefighters will patrol and mop-up across the division and on the spot fire. Suppression repair will also begin on the older sections of dozer and handmade firelines.
In Division M full containment was also reached. Today, work in this division will include suppression repair and backhauling of equipment as well as patrolling.
Branch III Division A: Additional containment was added in this division. On the uncontained section of fireline, along the east side, firefighters worked to secure several hot spots consisting of burning stumps and large diameter logs near the fireline. This work will continue today, and firefighters are confident the rains of last night will aid their efforts. Suppression repairs will occur on the southern edge.
Structure Group: Chipping operations from the vegetation removed earlier in the fire was completed yesterday and no additional work is planned for this.
Weather & Fuel Conditions: An inversion is in place this morning and will clear commensurate with clouds and thunderstorms moving out. High temperatures for the day will be in the upper 60s with humidity about 40% and light winds out of the northwest at 5-10 mph. Fire behavior will be nominal.
Closures and Fire Restrictions:
An Area Closure is in place for the Fish Fire on Black Hills National Forest. For additional information, visit
For fire restrictions on all lands within the Black Hills, visit
Wildfires are a no-fly zone for unauthorized aircraft, including drones. If you fly, we can’t. For more information, visit
Fish Fire Statistics:
Size: 6793 acres
Containment: 94%
Total Personnel: 443
Location: 7 mi. S. of Sundance, WY
Reported: July 31, 2022
Cause: human caused, under investigation
For More Information:
Information Phone: 307-363-0046 Email:
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