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- Fish Fire a.m. - 8 p.m.
Fish Fire Daily Update, Saturday, August 6
Publication Type: News 08/06/2022
Fish Fire Update
Saturday, August 6, 2022 – 9:00 a.m.
Rocky Mountain Complex Incident Management Team 1
Dan Dallas, Incident Commander
Information Phone: 307-363-0046
Information Staffing Hours: 7 a.m. to 8 p.m.
Special Note: Residents returning to their homes following evacuations should be aware that there may still be fire activity nearby. Smoke and possible isolated flare-ups may occur for several weeks within the fire area as the fire burns through fuels on the interior such as dead or downed trees. There is still firefighting work being done in many areas. Use caution on roadways, as firefighting vehicles will also be sharing the roads. The Forest remains under an area closure (see Closures and Restrictions section below).
Current Situation: Firefighters yesterday made more progress securing the fire perimeter and containment is now at 73%. Work mirrored the last several days with firefighters conducting “search and destroy” heat missions on firelines. Work also continued to connect uncontained firelines. Given the success to date, Divisions A and T were combined into Division A. Overnight, a change in the weather brought much-needed moisture to some parts of the fire although steady rainfall isn’t expected until tonight.
Predicted moist weather conditions, higher humidity, and lower temperatures will benefit firefighters allowing for continued progress strengthening firelines while fire activity remains minimal. Today’s work is unchanged from the past several days with firefighters continuing to build and secure firelines, mopping up heat sources and patrolling contained firelines. Today, and over the next several days, some firefighting resources will be released allowing them to either be reassigned to other wildfires or take time off for rest and recuperation in preparation for their next assignment. Even after full containment, some firefighting resources will remain on the fire until it is is fully extinguished.
Branch IDivision K: Containment was added again yesterday in this division and included the spot fire. This was accomplished predominately by dozers working directly on the fireline. Today, the final segment required to connect contained and uncontained firelines is expected to be completed.
Division M After several days of work on the fire’s edge, hand crews were successful in containing the northeast corner and achieving full containment in this division. The established hose lays will be used to mop-up any hot spots today and suppression repair will begin. Suppression repair is completed to prevent topsoil loss during future rainstorms. It consists of pulling berms created during fireline construction into place and then covering those firelines with slash (cut brush and limbs).
Branch III Divisions A/T were combined to form Division A: Additional containment was added on this eastern edge of the fire just below the Division M break. Today, fire crews will strive to further secure containment lines and work will reflect accomplishments in other divisions with firefighters securing firelines, patrolling and mopping up.
Structure Group: Firefighters implemented structure protection strategies developed over the last few days with the arrival of the chipper and box truck. Chipping of vegetation cut during fireline construction and structure protection operations will continue today.
Weather & Fuel Conditions: Today will be cooler and wetter with a continued chance for thunderstorms. High temperatures will be in the 70s with humidity ranging from 40-60% and possibly higher with rain showers. As the storm moves through, erratic winds are expected with gusts at 20-25 mph and possible lightning activity. Fire activity will be minimal throughout most of the day because of the increased humidity and reduced temperatures although interior pockets may burn later in the week as fuels dry out and temperatures warm up. No fire spread beyond the current 6793-acre fire boundary is expected.
Closures and Fire Restrictions:
An Area Closure is in place for the Fish Fire on Black Hills National Forest. For additional information, visit
For fire restrictions on all lands within the Black Hills, visit
Wildfires are a no-fly zone for unauthorized aircraft, including drones. If you fly, we can’t. For more information, visit
Fish Fire Statistics:
Size: 6793 acres
Containment: 73%
Total Personnel: 466
Location: 7 mi. S. of Sundance, WY
Reported: July 31, 2022
Cause: human caused, under investigation
For More Information:
Information Phone: 307-363-0046
Interactive Webmap: