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- Fish Fire a.m. - 8 p.m.
Fish Fire Area Closure Order
Publication Type: Closures 08/03/2022
ORDER No. BKF-166-2022 Fire Closure
Forest Order
Bearlodge Ranger District
Fire Area
Pursuant to 16United States Code (U.S.C.) § 551 and 36 Code of Federal Regulations (C.F.R.) §
261.50 (a) and (b), the following acts are prohibited on the National Forest Service lands within
the Fish Fire Area on the Black Hills National Forest, Crook County, Wyoming and as depicted
on the attached map hereby incorporated into this order as Exhibit A, all within the Bearlodge
Ranger District, Black Hills National Forest.
The Restricted Area is further described as that area that encompasses the Crook County Road
247 (Clark Road) and Wyoming Highway 585 east to Reynolds Road (FSR 872), south to the
Moskee townsite and west to Wyoming Highway 585.
The purpose of the Order is to provide for public safety and safe egress of fire vehicles in the
vicinity of the Fish Fire.
1. It is prohibited to go into or be upon the Restricted area which is closed for the protection
of Public Health and Safety(36CPR. §261.53(c)).
Pursuant to 36 CPR § 261.50 (6), the following persons are exempt from the prohibitions in
this Order:
1. Persons with a special use authorization or other Forest Service authorization specifically
exempting them from the effect of this Order.
2. Any Federal, State or Local Law Enforcement Officer or member of an organized rescue
or freighting force in the performance of an official duty.
3. Federal or State administrative personnel in performance of an official duty.
This Order will be in effect until the 31Stday of August, or until rescinded, whichever occurs
This Order supersedes any previous Order(s) prohibiting the same, or similar acts prohibited by
this Order in the area covered by this Order.
Further information regarding this Order may be obtained at the Black Hills National Forest,
Supervisor's Office at (605) 673-9200.
Executed in Custer, South Dakota, this 1st day of August 2022.
Forest Supervisor
A violation of this prohibition is punishable as a Class B misdemeanor by imprisonment for not
more than six months, a fine of not more than $5,000for an individual or $10,000for an
organization, or both. 16 U.S.C. § 551, 18 U.S.C. 3559, 3571, 3581.