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Oregon Fire Final Update 9-11-2023
Oregon Fire
Publication Type: News 09/11/2023
Oregon Fire Final Update 9-11-2023
Fire Size: 10,817 acres
Initial Start: 8/18/2023 at 1600 pm
Location: Approximately 4 miles northeast of Elk, WA.
Cause: Human- Still under investigation
Containment: 97%
Resources Committed: 11 Engines, 3 Crews, 1 Bulldozer, 5 Water Tenders, 1 Skidgens, 3 Excavators
Personnel: 137
Road Closures: None
Current Situation: Today Northeast WA Incident Management Team 3 will be transitioning command back to the local unit. This will be the final update and any further information requests can be routed through NEWICC(509-685-6900)
Today’s activities: Crews will continue to patrol the area, both on road and by foot, to find and mop-up any of those isolated heat sources. Throughout the day out of area resources will be going through the demobilization process. Those residing in and around the fire area will see salvage logging and post fire clean up by landowners within in the fire perimeter. These activities will likely cause clouds of dust and ash that resemble smoke. While local crews will continue to be working to the area and able to verify any new report of smoke, we are asking the public to be certain of a new fire before calling local dispatch centers or 911. With the team handing the fire back to local resources, unverified reports put strain on local resources and their ability to respond to emergencies.
Weather: Generally dry weather will continue over the fire area as a series of disturbances enter the area. Winds will begin to slowly increase as a cold front moves into the area by Wednesday. Temperatures will moderate with the arrival of this cold front but will warm later in the week as another high pressure system arrives.