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Goosmus Fire Update 9/28/2024 09-28-2024
Goosmus Fire
Publication Type: News - 09/28/2024 - 07:44
Goosmus Fire Update
September 28, 2024
The Goosmus Fire is burning between Big Goosmus Road and Danville and along the United States and Canadian Boundary. The Goosmus Fire started at approximately at 2:30pm and spread rapidly north, primarily driven by winds as a cold front passed through the area.
Yesterday, crews completed direct (up to the burned line of the fire) and indirect line for approximately 90% of the fire. Crews were able to conduct burnout operations in areas of indirect line, removing the unburned fuels up to the line. Increased smoke and fire activity was visible throughout yesterday afternoon. Helicopters were able to help crews through the burn operations, by helping keep an eye on the burn progression as well as able to supply bucket drops of water if fire behavior became too active. In the 4th of July Creek Road area, crews have been working on securing 60 spot fires that initiated from the initial run of the fire on Sept. 25th.
Today, with anticipated increasing high winds tomorrow, crews will work on finalizing the line and securing remaining high risk spread areas. Crews will evaluate areas of indirect line for burnout operations, or if not feasible, will work on direct line, where operationally safe and effective to do so. Fire weakened trees along Highway 21 will be felled and removed, in anticipation of high winds tomorrow. Delays are possible up to 15 minutes during these operations, which are scheduled to begin around 9:00am.