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Thompson Ridge Fire

Unit Information

115 East 900 North 
115 East 900 North 

Incident Contacts

  • Natalee Hunt
    8 am to 5 pm

Thompson Ridge Fire Update, August 11, 2023

Thompson Ridge Fire
Publication Type: News 08/12/2023

CENTRAL UTAH INTERAGENCY FIRE -  Thompson Ridge Fire Incident Update

RELEASE DATE: August 11, 2023

MEDIA CONTACT: Sierra Hellstrom, 435-352-6435



This morning, Great Basin Team 5 has taken command of the fire. Precipitation yesterday improved relative humidity recovery, as much as 80% in some areas. This helped to minimize fire behavior throughout the fire area. 

Firefighters today will continue to improve dozer and handlines on the eastern flank of the fire. On the northeastern edge, the fire is in the burn scar from the old Pole Creek Fire. Firefighters are using that to their advantage, since the previous fire burned away much of the dead and down fuels in that area, minimizing vegetation available to burn. Crews will continue to scout opportunities for access and control options on the northwest and southern edges of the fire. 

The weather forecast today is for scattered thunderstorms, with temperatures ranging from the 80s at lower elevation to the 70s at higher elevation. There may be occasional wind gusts up to 40 mph, as the storm system moves through the area. Overall, the fire behavior today is expected to be moderate, thanks to yesterday’s precipitation.



Start Date: August 4, 2023

Incident Type: Wildfire

Size: 7,289 acres

Cause: Lightning

Containment: 0%

Location: 10 miles southeast of Beaver, Utah

Terrain: Steep, rugged terrain in remote areas transitioning to rolling pinyon juniper hills

Structures Threatened: None



Engines: 5

Water Tenders: 6

Crews: 6

Helicopters: 4

Dozers: 5

Total Personnel: 199


Evacuations: None

Closures: Please refer to UPDATED closure order. Note that the SR-153 and SR-137 are not closed.