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Thompson Ridge Fire

Unit Information

115 East 900 North 
115 East 900 North 

Incident Contacts

  • Natalee Hunt
    8 am to 5 pm

Thompson Ridge Fire Update, August 10, 2023

Thompson Ridge Fire
Publication Type: News 08/11/2023

CENTRAL UTAH INTERAGENCY  FIRE - Thompson Ridge Fire Incident Update

Release DateAugust 1O'h, 2023 12:00 p.m.

Media CONTACTKylee Stott (385) 272-3894

Current Fire Situation

Fire activity moderated yesterday, due to cooler temperatures and increased humidity. The fire saw minimal growth, and smoke impacts to surrounding areas significantly decreased compared to previous days. Crews were able to successfully construct direct dozer and hand line on the eastern flank of the fire. Retardant drops and helicopter bucket drops were utilized to help strengthen fire perimeter on the north section of the fire.  

Expected weather for today is calling for monsoonal moisture to push north over the fire with increasing humidities and the chance for precipitation. Today, firefighters will continue to identify and implement tactics looking to provide a stronger anchor point. Inaccessible and remote areas of the fire will be scouted for access and control options, based on safety of firefighting personnel.  

A Great Basin Type 2 Incident Management Team has been ordered and will take command of the fire within the next 2 operational periods.

Start Date: August 4, 2023

Incident Type: Wildfire

Size: 7,289 acres

Cause: Lightning

Containment: 0%

Location: 10 miles southeast of Beaver, Utah

Terrain: Steep, rugged terrain in remote areas transitioning to rolling pinyon juniper hills

Structures Threatened: None

Resources: Engines: 9, Water Tenders: 1, Crews: 6, Helicopters: 4, Dozers: 3 and Total Personnel: 191

Evacuations: None at this time.

Closures: Fire Area, Road, and Trail Closure in Effect - NFS Roads-SR 153,137, 1012, 140,121, and 516 NFS Trails - PST 068, PST 008, PST32, and PST 34. 

Fire activity moderated yesterday, due to cooler temperatures and increased humidity. The fire saw minimal growth, and smoke impacts to surrounding areas significantly decreased compared to previous days. Crews were able to successfully construct direct dozer and hand line on the eastern flank of the fire. Retardant drops and helicopter bucket drops were utilized to help strengthen fire perimeter on the north section of the fire.  

Expected weather for today is calling for monsoonal moisture to push north over the fire - increasing humidities and the chance for precipitation. Today, firefighters will continue to identify and implement tactics looking to provide a stronger anchor point. Inaccessible and remote areas of the fire will be scouted for access and control options, based on safety of firefighting personnel.  

A Great Basin Type 2 Incident Management Team has been ordered and will take command of the fire within the next 2 operational periods.