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Bosque River Fire Update March 29, 2022 8:00pm
Bosque River Fire
Publication Type: News 03/29/2022
Bosque River Fire Update March 29, 2022 8:00pm
Size: 700 acres
Containment: 90%
Personnel: 18
Texas A&M Forest Service (TAFMS) received a request for assistance in Bosque County on the Bosque River Fire, approximately 3 miles east of Iredel, Texas, on the evening on March 27, 2022 during warm, dry and windy conditions. Critically dry grass and shrub vegetation supported the growth of the fire with some spotting of flammable materials ahead of the flaming front, far enough ahead to jump the Bosque River.
Operational tactics today focused on improving containment line with mop up and patrol. Heavy equipment completed containment line creation early in today's shift and a Texas Intrastate Fire Mutual Aid System (TIFMAS) Strike Team provided mop up support.
State crews from both TAMFS and TIFMAS were released off the fire at 6:00pm today, and local firefighters will patrol and monitor for any potential heat near containment lines tomorrow.
Weather today was warm and windy, along with an increase in low level moisture. Minimum rH was around 45% with south winds 20-25mph. A line of thunderstorms is expected to move through Central Texas tonight. Brisk west-northwest winds can be expected tomorrow with humidity around 30%
Evacuations and Road Closures:
There are no current evacuations or road closures.
Damages and Injuries:
There are no current reports of injuries. Damage has been reported to private structures, though no primary residences have been reported as such.