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2023 Horse Creek Fire

Unit Information


Incident Contacts

  • Lookout, Horse Creek, Pothole Fires Informaion
    8 a.m. - 8 p.m.

Morning Update Friday, October 6, 2023

Bedrock Fire, Lookout Fire, Petes Lake Fire, 2023 Horse Creek Fire
Publication Type: News 10/07/2023

Lookout, Bedrock, Petes Lake, Horse Creek and Pothole Fires
Friday, October 6, 2023 - Morning Update – 9:00 a.m.


Lookout Fire - Size: 25,751 acres | Start Date: August 5 | Cause: Lightning | Containment: 60%

Bedrock Fire - Size: 31,590 acres | Start Date: July 22 l Cause: Under Investigation l Containment: 100%

Petes Lake Fire - Size: 3,254 acres | Start Date: August 25 | Cause: Lightning | Completion: 80%

Horse Creek Fire - Size: 763 acres | Start Date: August 24 | Cause: Lightning | Containment: 100%

Pothole Fire - Size: 109 acres | Start Date: August 25 | Cause: Lightning |Containment: 100%

Total Assigned Personnel: 313 | 5 engines | 4 crews | 2 dozers water tenders 1 masticator 1 helicopter


(Walterville, Ore.) – Warmer temperatures and drier weather today allowed for favorable work conditions in most areas. Crews were able to finalize repair work on the Horse Creek Fire, with Bedrock Fire efforts expected to be completed within a few days. On the Lookout Fire, resources will continue to repair damaged roads, naturalize fire lines, chip woody debris and gather remaining equipment. Incident managers will be demobilizing unnecessary resources and heavy equipment as work is completed; today, aerial resources will be utilized to retrieve communications equipment from around the Bedrock Fire.

Forecasted temperatures and wind for the weekend may cause an increase in fire behavior. Minimal to light fire activity, from smoldering heavy timber combined with dry light fuels, may develop into flare-ups within the fire's perimeter. Be aware smoke may be visible if you are traveling near the Lookout Fire.  

Weather:  The warming and drying trend will continue into the weekend. Unseasonably high temperatures and low relative humidity are predicted. Breezy east winds will extend through Friday morning but are expected to stay below critical levels. Precipitation is expected to begin early next week, bringing an estimated half-inch or more over the fire area on Monday.

Forest Closures: Established closures on the Willamette National Forest remain in place around fire-impacted areas, including the Lookout and Bedrock Fires. The public is urged to “Know Before You Go” by visiting the Willamette National Forest official webpage. For specific hunting-related questions, contact Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife at (503) 947-6000. 

Safety:  Some fire-impacted areas remain closed as critical suppression repair work continues. The public is asked to exercise caution along roadways around the fire. Drivers should be extra vigilant along Forest Road 15 between Highway 126 and Highway 20, where crews and heavy equipment are traveling and engaging in suppression repair work.