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Copperfield Fire Daily Update 9-6-2024 09-06-2024
Copperfield Fire
Publication Type: News - 09/06/2024 - 11:00
Chiloquin, Ore. – Predicted weather was moderate, allowing crews the opportunity to increase containment, particularly in the areas where there are nearby structures. Overnight, infrared drones identified a few hot spots on the east side of the fire and crews were able to find them and mop up quickly. Crews continued to expand the perimeter depth of the fire in previously burned areas (black line) that are now cold and being mopped up. Overall, containment increased to 43%.
The Oregon State Fire Marshal (OSFM) Incident Management Team has demobilized from the fire and are returning to their home agencies. Their work has built strong containment around all homes and structures. ODF IMT Team 3 will continue to monitor and patrol areas and work on any new threats in those areas. ODF Team 3 will remain in command of the fire continuing containment through mop up operations.
Today there is a Red Flag Warning from 1-9 PM for strong winds, higher temperatures, and lower relative humidity. There is a 20% chance of a dry thunderstorms that could bring winds with 40-50 MPH gusts. This will be another test of the current work and containment measures. The goal is to push deeper into the black and increase mop up while staying alert during the weather warning.
Evacuation levels will continue to be evaluated with the increase of the fire containment. Evacuation levels are determined by the Klamath County Sheriff's Office in conjunction with fire officials and agency administrators. Current evacuation areas and levels can be found at