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Lane 1 Fire
Unit Information
Incident Contacts
- Email:2024.homesteadcomplex@firenet.govPhone:(541) 208-7100Hours:8am to 8 pm
Cottage Grove-Lane 1 Fire Update 09-03-2024
Lane 1 Fire
Publication Type: News - 09/03/2024 - 09:49
Lane 1 Fire
Tuesday, Sept. 3, 2024
Fire Information: (541) 649-2399 voice/text
Suppression repair work is underway on the Lane 1 Fire. Hand lines, dozer lines and other control lines are being restored by covering them with vegetation for erosion control. Water bars are being constructed on slopes to prevent erosion. Fire weakened; hazard trees are being removed for the protection of firefighters working in the area. These large woody fuels are being removed for future fire prevention and for public safety once closed areas are reopened.
Trees being removed during this work are being hauled to landings, some of which are off Brice Creek Road. The Umpqua National Forest has closed a portion of Brice Creek Road between Champion Creek Road (2473 NFSR) and Grass Creek Road (2213 NFSR) for the safety of firefighters and the public as log hauling trucks enter the roadway.
Timber hauling operations are being conducted day and night. Residents of Disston, Ore. will notice an increase of traffic as trucks from east and west move to landings off Brice Creek Road; one located at Blodgett Creek, on 2232 NFSR and another on Layng Creek Road at the Layng Creek Work Center. Drivers need to expect logging trucks on Brice Creek Road. Salvageable timber from BLM lands will be hauled to a landing on Sharps Creek Road.
Road maintenance operations will take place during nighttime hours on roads impacted by the Lane 1 Fire to not interfere with daytime suppression repair work.
Sharps Creek Road remains closed at Row River but access to the transfer site is allowed during its hours of operation. Please use caution and watch for trucks entering the road. Roads south of Brice Creek Road leading into the fire area are closed.
Hunting season has opened in Oregon. Hunters need to be aware of closed areas before they take to the field. For an interactive map on Oregon Wildfire Response & Recovery go to:
Many of the roads, trails and general forest areas within the Umpqua National Forest are closed to provide for public and firefighter safety. For more information and a map of the closed areas go to:
Portions of the Bureau of Land Management, Northwest Oregon District, managed public lands, roads, sites, and trails are closed to all forms of public access. For more information and a map showing the closure go to: