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NWS-ABQ: Thunderstorm Forecast for NM Burn Scars
McBride Post-Fire BAER
Publication Type: News 07/10/2022
NOAA National Weather Service-Albuquerque Office:
Thunderstorm Forecast for NM Burn Scars starting July 10 through July 14
This table below indicates the probability for thunderstorms over New Mexico wildfire burn areas. Storm motion and atmospheric moisture content are also listed as these factors can have considerable influence on the risk for burn scar flash flooding. Storm motion is the direction that storms will move toward. This product is experimental and for planning purposes only.
Go to the Photos Tab on this InciWeb Page for a close-up image of the NWS table below.
For the most up-to-date NWS forecast for NM “burn scar storms” go to:
Albuquerque, NM ( and click on the “Burn Scar Storms” header on the right side of the page under NWS Albuquerque.