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Seed hopper is suspended from the helicopter by a 100' long line

BAER Team Lead documents site conditions during aerial seeding operations

Inspectors are in the field preparing for site visits to freshly seeded areas

Seed hopper filled with seed and ready for lift off to next distribution site

Inspectors prepare site visits to seeded areas

Helicopters are highly maneuverable and can seed specific areas with precision

Jennifer Hickman, Lincoln National Forest BAER Team Lead in-briefs Natural Resources field crew on the day's planned aerial seeding operations

Flash Flooding & Large Vegetative Debris Over Road on 7-1-22 taken by NWS Andrew Mangham

NM Burn Scar Thunderstorm NWS Forecast Table

National Weather Service ABQ--Flash Flood Weather Notice

National Weather Service Reminder that Wildfire Burn Scars are a Flood Risk

Ash and Debris Flow