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Apple Tree Fire Update, July 21, 2023
Apple Tree Fire
Publication Type: News 07/23/2023
Start Date / Time: July 18, 2023, 9:00 pm
Cause: Lightning
Size: 62 acres
Containment: 2%
Location: East of Sacramento Lookout Tower, 6 mi. north of the community of Timberon, 3.5 miles southeast of Sunspot, NM.
Fire Strategy: Confine and contain
Resources: 1 type-1 crew, 1 type-2 crew, 1 fuels crew, 1 dozer, 2 engines, 1 module, additional support personnel. Total Personnel: 90
Fire behavior: Low/Moderate fire behavior.
Types of vegetation in the area (aka fuels): Mixed conifer, locust and oak brush, dead and down trees.
Values at risk: No structures or communities are at immediate risk.
Update: Fire plays an important role in the forest ecosystem by removing dead and down trees on the forest floor, which reduces risk for high-intensity fire in the future and allows for regeneration of new grasses and plants. This creates a healthy, more resilient forest.
After carefully considering the weather, values at risk and vegetation in the area, fire managers will manage the Apple Tree Fire using a confine-and-contain strategy using existing roads, trails and constructed fireline. A confine-and-contain strategy under the current conditions, allows fire to move naturally across the landscape, providing ecological benefits to plants and wildlife. In the case of the Apple Tree Fire, there are no homes at risk and no major infrastructure in the area. Fire behavior has been low to moderate, while still being successful at reducing ground fuels. In the long-term, allowing fire activity to clear overgrown areas contributes to overall forest health and reduces fire risk on the forest.
Today, firefighters will continue with their confine and contain strategy which includes removing vegetation along the roads and trails and widening other firelines to ensure they have a secure perimeter as the fire progresses across the land towards the firelines.
Smoke: Smoke will be visible in coming days as the fire continues to progress across the landscape.
Visitor Information: The road to Sacramento Lookout is blocked due to fire equipment in the area. Visitors are advised to stay out of the fire area to allow for firefighters to quickly and safely access the fire. Please avoid Apple Tree Trail, Apple Tree Canyon and Forest Service Road 64 near Sacramento Lookout.
Evacuations: None
Road Closures: None
Injuries/Fatalities: None
More Information:
Twitter: @LincolnUSForest
You can expect another update mid-day tomorrow.