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Apple Tree Fire Update, July 20, 2023
Apple Tree Fire
Publication Type: News 07/21/2023
Start Date / Time: July 18, 2023, 9:00 pm
Cause: Lightning
Size: 33 acres
Location: East of Sacramento Lookout Tower, 6 mi. north of the community of Timberon, 3.5 miles southeast of Sunspot, NM.
Resources: 1 type-2 crew, 1 fuels crew, 1 dozer, 2 engines, 1 module, additional support personnel.
Total Personnel: 50
Types of vegetation in the area (aka fuels): Mixed conifer, locust and oak brush, dead and down trees.
Fire behavior: Low fire behavior. The fire is moving slowly across forest floor.
Containment: 0%
Strategy: Confine and contain using nearby roads, trails and constructed fireline.
Values at risk: No structures or communities are at immediate risk.
Evacuations: None
Road Closures: None
Injuries/Fatalities: None
Smoke: Smoke may be visible from the nearby communities of Timberon, Sunspot and Cloudcroft.
Weather: Fire activity is greatly dependent on the weather. Temperatures at the fire today will be a high of 79 degrees, 24-30% relative humidity, light winds 6-10 mph with a 20% chance of rain in the afternoon.
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Update: Yesterday, firefighters were able to complete fireline south of the fire. They will use nearby roads and trails systems, as well as firefighter-constructed fireline to confine the fire to a specific area. Firefighters continue to scout for additional opportunities to construct firelines south of the fire, should they be needed in the future. The fire is not threatening any structures, homes or the lookout tower. The Apple Tree Fire was started by lightning on July 18, in a remote part of the forest six miles north of Timberon, NM. Smoke will be visible over the coming days.
Visitors are advised to stay out of the fire area to allow for firefighters to quickly and safely access the fire. Please avoid Apple Tree Trail, Apple Tree Canyon and Forest Service Road 64 near Sacramento Lookout.
More Information:
Twitter: @LincolnUSForest
You can expect another update mid-day tomorrow.