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Kiowa Rita Blanca Multi Unit RX

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2113 Osuna Rd. NE 
2113 Osuna Rd. NE 

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  • Pat Johnson

Kiowa Rita Blanca Ranger District to Implement Prescribed Fire News Release

Kiowa Rita Blanca Multi Unit RX
Publication Type: News 03/23/2022


Kiowa Rita Blanca Ranger District to Implement Prescribed Fire Operations

Starting as early as March 25th

Albuquerque, NM – March 23, 2022 – Pending favorable conditions, fire managers on the Cibola National Forest & National Grasslands (NF & NGs) may implement prescribed fire on multiple units on the Kiowa Rita Blanca Ranger District as early as Fri., March 25th and possibly continue thru Fri., April 15th if necessary. Fire crews are looking at burning multiple units within the announced timeframe. See attached project maps. Unit 44: 492 acres located NE NM by Rt. 56 north east of Clayton, NM Unit 16: 624 acres located NE NM by Rt. 87 south east of Clayton, NM Unit 71: 394 acres located NE NM by NM 406 north east of Clayton, NM Unit 74: 311 acres located NE NM by NM 406 north east of Clayton, NM The Cibola NF & NGs manages all prescribed fires in compliance with New Mexico state regulations on air quality and smoke management. Smoke may be visible from the surrounding areas of Clayton, NM; Texline, TX and Felt, OK. The decision to proceed continues to depend on multiple factors, including resource availability, fuel moisture levels, air quality and forecast weather. Prescribed burns are designed to meet specific objectives and are always managed with firefighter and public safety as the first priority. Prescribed fires are one of the most effective tools available to resource managers for restoring fire-adapted ecosystems and reducing the risk of high-severity wildfire. Fire managers use prescribed fire to improve forest health, remove hazardous fuels, increase firefighter safety, enhance wildlife habitat, and protect communities and watersheds. With fire there is smoke, but compared to wildfires, prescribed fires are shorter in duration and are conducted under weather conditions to minimize the impact of smoke on the public. Fire crews use tactics such as starting early in the day and ending ignitions early in the afternoon to allow for the most ventilation possible throughout the burn and dividing blocks into smaller units to minimize smoke impacts as much as possible. However, smoke may be visible periodically from local communities and the surrounding areas for the duration of the project until the burning vegetation is out. Information on air quality and protecting your health can be found online at the New Mexico Department of Health (NMDOH) Environmental Public Health Tracking (EPHT) website. All fire updates will be posted on the Cibola NF & NGs website, New Mexico Fire Information website, Inciweb and on the Cibola NF & NGs Facebook & Twitter pages. For more information on the Kiowa Rita Blanca Ranger District prescribed fires, contact the Kiowa Ranger District Office: 575-374-9652 or Cibola National Forest and National Grasslands Supervisor’s Office: 505-346-3900. The Forest Service mission is to sustain the health, diversity, and productivity of the Nation’s forests and grasslands to meet the needs of present and future generations.

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