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Kiowa Rita Blanca Multi Unit RX

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Unit Information

2113 Osuna Rd. NE 
2113 Osuna Rd. NE 

Incident Contacts

Pat Johnson
Phone: 505-850-2657

This incident is no longer being updated.

Pending favorable conditions, fire managers on the Cibola National Forest & National Grasslands (NF & NGs) may implement prescribed fire on multiple units on the Kiowa Rita Blanca Ranger District as early as Fri., March 25th and possibly continue thru Fri., April 15th if necessary.

The decision to proceed continues to depend on multiple factors, including resource availability, fuel moisture levels, air quality and forecast weather. Prescribed burns are designed to meet specific objectives and are always managed with firefighter and public safety as the first priority.

Prescribed fires are one of the most effective tools available to resource managers for restoring fire-adapted ecosystems and reducing the risk of high-severity wildfire. Fire managers use prescribed fire to improve forest health, remove hazardous fuels, increase firefighter safety, enhance wildlife habitat, and protect communities and watersheds. 

Basic Information
Current as of Wed, 04/13/2022 - 05:03
Incident Type Prescribed Fire
Date of Origin
Location Multiple units outside Clayton, NM
Incident Commander Matt Lamb FMO
Incident Description Prescribed Burn
Coordinates 36° 30' 14'' Latitude
-103° 2'
'' Longitude
Current Situation
Percent of Perimeter Contained 0%
Fuels Involved


Significant Events

3/25/22 UPDATE: 403 acres were completed on 3/25/22 on Unit 71 located NE NM by NM 406 north east of Clayton, NM.