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June 20 Boggy Draw Prescribed Fire Update
2025 San Juan National Forest Prescribed Fire Program
Publication Type: Announcement 08/24/2023
The Boggy Draw prescribed fire began on June 21st, 2023, but has not resumed on the 22nd because of adverse conditions. Firefighters remain in the area in order to keep the fire within its prescribed boundaries. Updates will be posted to this site if active ignitions resume.
The priority area is in Boggy Draw near the forest boundary at Butler Corner (See attached map). Crews will move to the north in the Boggy Draw units and then to the Haycamp area. The Boggy area is important in order to reduce risks of wildfire in the Wildland Urban Interface (WUI) zone.
The prescribed fire operations will result in short term closures to roads, trails, and dispersed camping. Any trails or roads that are not within the operational units will remain open to the public but smoke will be a factor for anyone visiting the area.
Prescribed fire operations are conducted within very limited windows. Climatic conditions including favorable winds for smoke dispersal, humidity and fuel moisture level combined with available fire resources drive our burn windows. Although we try not to burn on weekends, these limited windows may result in weekend burning.