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Dolores District: Boggy Draw Units Prescribed Fire Update
2025 San Juan National Forest Prescribed Fire Program
Publication Type: News 11/03/2023
Crews on the Dolores District have completed ignitions on the prescribed fire in the Boggy Draw area, 5 miles NE of Dolores. The boundaries of the burn area remain secure and controlled.
Smoke from the prescribed fire has been carrying east for most of the day, passing over the highway 145/Dolores River corridor and over other locations including La Plata Canyon. Fire activity will diminish this evening. The forecast calls for winds to shift and come from the north tonight. Smoke may be more noticeable in the Dolores-Mancos-Cortez areas overnight, and it may settle into low-lying valleys.
There will be some continued smoke on Wednesday, as the fire consumes ground fuels, stumps and dead and down logs.
The project area involves 1,094 acres located west of Hwy 145 near the intersection of Forest Roads 528 and 405. Crews from the Dolores Ranger District, as well as other local and regional fire agencies are on site, helping to carry out the burn project and keep it within defined boundaries. Prescribed fire is being implemented to reduce hazardous ground fuels, lessen the risk of unplanned large-scale wildfire, help restore ponderosa pine ecosystems, and improve wildlife habitat. Prescribed fire can also help protect mature trees by reducing the ladder fuels that can carry fire into the canopy.
There is more information about the San Juan National Forest's prescribed fire program on this Inciweb site. You can also visit our Facebook page for updates at
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Prescribed fire smoke may affect your health. More information can be found at: