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New Lighting Fire on the Klamath NF Contained at .2 Acres
2023 Klamath NF Spring Lightning Fires
Publication Type: News 06/09/2023
A new lightning-caused fire was reported this afternoon on the Klamath National Forest. The Cold Fire is located on the Goosenest Ranger District, on the northwest side of Willow Creek Mountain. KNF crews were joined by CAL FIRE and Montague Fire resources on the initial attack and contained the fire at .2 acres. The Cold Fire will remain in patrol status until called out.
The Cold Fire is the third fire on the KNF caused by the recent lightning activity. The Willow Fire, also on Willow Creek Mountain, was reported on May 29 and was contained that day at .25 acres. The Burney Fire on the Happy Camp/Oak Knoll Ranger District has been flown several times since being discovered on May 29 south of Norcross Campground in the 2021 McCash Fire footprint. No smoke was showing during the last two aerial observations. It will remain in patrol status.
Please make sure to do your part to prevent human-caused wildfires. One less spark, one less wildfire.