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Small plumes of smoke rise from the forested slopes of the Goat Rocks Fire in the Lava Creek and Dam Creek area, October 26, 2022. Logs, stumps, roots, and other fuels will continue to burn and produce smoke despite the rain. Some of the smoke is visible from US 12.

Hose piles at fire camp, returned from fire line

A sample of woody debris along a road before debris removal

The slope by a road after woody debris removal is completed.

Wrapped structures at Packwood Lake

Smoke from Goat Rocks Fire, October 18, 2022. Slopes above the inversion burn more actively.

Firefighters standing on the 1410 rd watch a Chinook helicopter drop water in the Coal Creek drainage on 10/16

Goat Rocks Fire from Packwood, October 16, 2022

Goat Rocks Fire from Thompson Road, Oct. 16, 2022

Type 1 helicopter conducts bucket work over the Goat Rocks Fire

Trees can catch on fire underground. Their roots can burn, or fire can burn inside the trunk of a tree.