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Six Rivers Lightning Complex EVACUATION UPDATE 8-20-2022
Updated On: 08/20/2022
EVACUATION UPDATE 8/20/2022 at 5 pm Due to continued positive developments in fire behavior and the hard work of firefighters from Humboldt County and beyond, the Evacuation Orders for zones HUM-E032-B, HUM-E056-A, and HUM-E077-F have been downgraded to Evacuation Warnings ZONE DESCRIPTIONS HUM-E032-B NORTH of Forest Route 7N02 SOUTH of Horse Linto Creek Road EAST of Horse Linto Creek Road WEST of Forst Route 7N10 HUM-E056-A NORTH of Patterson Road, Ash Lane, Horse Linto Creek Road
Six Rivers Lightning Complex UPDATE 8-20-2022
Updated On: 08/20/2022
Lightning Complex Fire: August 20, 2022 Email: Incident Information: Facebook:
Six Rivers Lightning Complex UPDATE 8-19-2022
Updated On: 08/19/2022
Email: Incident Information: Facebook: Six Rivers National Forest: Fire Information Phone: (707) 356-9442 (Hours: 8am-8pm) INCIDENT INFORMATION
Six Rivers Lightning Complex UPDATE 8-18-2022
Updated On: 08/18/2022
Lightning Complex Fire: August 18, 2022 Email:
Six Rivers Lightening Complex UPDATE 8-17-2022
Updated On: 08/17/2022
Lightning Complex Fire: August 17, 2022 Email: Incident Information:
Six Rivers Lightning Complex UPDATE 8-16-2022
Updated On: 08/16/2022
Lightning Complex Fire: August 16, 2022 Email: Incident Information: Facebook:
Six Rivers Lightning Complex UPDATE 8-16-22
Updated On: 08/15/2022
Today was another successful day for firefighters. The increased fire behavior seen earlier was within the containment lines. Fire behavior is expected to be active tomorrow with warmer temperatures and drier fuels. Current acreage is 20,052 with 19% containment.
Six Rivers Lightning Complex UPDATE 8-15-2022
Updated On: 08/15/2022
INCIDENT INFORMATION Unified Command: Six Rivers National Forest, CAL FIRE, California Highway Patrol, Trinity County Sheriff, and Humboldt County Sheriff. CURRENT CONDITIONS
Six Rivers Lightning Complex UPDATE 8-13-2022
Updated On: 08/14/2022
8/13/22 2200 UpdateThe Lightning Complex Fire is currently 15,942 acres and firefighters were able to gain 15% containment. There are currently 1,810 resources assigned to the incident. Changing wind directions at the ridge top level pushed smoke in various directions across the fire this afternoon. Better humidity recovery is forecast tonight, but the strong inversion will settle in once again with thick smoke Sunday into morning.
Six Rivers Lightning Complex UPDATE 8-14-2022
Updated On: 08/14/2022
Email: 2022.lightningcomplex@firenet.govIncident Information: Rivers National Forest: Information Phone: (707) 356-9442 (Hours: 8am-8pm) INCIDENT INFORMATION Unified Command: Six Rivers National Forest, CAL FIRE, California Highway Patrol, Trinity County Sheriff, and Humboldt County Sheriff. CURRENT CONDITIONS