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Brice Creek Fire

Unit Information

2900 Northwest Stewart Parkway 
2900 Northwest Stewart Parkway 

Incident Contacts

Brice Creek Fire Information
Phone: (541) 498-2212

The Brice Creek Fire was started by lightning on August 24, 2023.

This page will only be updated if there is significant activity to report.

Basic Information
Current as of Sat, 10/07/2023 - 18:41
Incident Type Wildfire
Cause Lightning
Date of Origin
Location 8 miles southwest of Oakridge, OR
Coordinates 43° 37' 30'' Latitude
-122° 34'
'' Longitude
Current Situation
Size 571 Acres
Percent of Perimeter Contained 100%
Estimated Containment Date 10/01/2023
Fuels Involved

Fuels consist of timber litter. In mature stands, duff, snags and heavy loading of larger logs and down woody debris exists with areas of shrub and herbaceous fuels. Also, in mature stands, abundant moss and lichen fuels are present. Moss and lichen are also present in older second-growth stands, along with duff, needle litter, and a moderate loading of 100-hr and 1,000-hr fuels. A scattered shrub layer is also present in these stands. In younger second-growth stands, fuels consist of needle litter with scattered jackpots of down woody debris. Moss and lichen fuels are scattered and less abundant in the younger stands.