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Washakie Park
Unit Information
Incident Contacts
- Washakie Park Fire InformationEmail:2022.washakiepark@firenet.govPhone:3073020075Hours:M-F, 8-8P, S-S, 8-8P
Washakie Park Fire Daily Update-Wednesday September 14, 2022
Washakie Park
Publication Type: News 09/15/2022
Current Situation:
Data gathered from aerial flights conducted on 9/13/21 mapped the fire perimeter and current acreage at 2465 acres. There has been no active fire growth in the last 24 hours. The fire is located in remote and rugged terrain. Containment has increased to 40% as crews on the west, south, and east flanks have successfully built fire line breaks around the perimeter. This fire is being managed under a full suppression strategy, ensuring all actions reflect a commitment to incident personnel safety and public safety.
Operational plan for today:
All divisions are monitoring the fire area for hotspots, conducting mop-up operations and securing the fire line for containment opportunities. The Type 1 helicopter and the Type 3 helicopters will continue water drops in communication with ground crews to work areas of heat and will transport crews to areas of the fire that are difficult to reach via the road system. As objectives continue to be achieved and with minimal fire behavior, the Wyoming Type3 Incident Management Team will prepare to turn the fire over to a Type 4 organization on Friday, September 16, 2022.
Shoshone and Arapaho Fish and Game Road Closure:
The Shoshone and Arapaho Fish and Game have issued a road closure for the Washakie Park Road and Sage Creek Road to St. Lawrence located within the Wind River Indian Reservation.
Fire Conditions and Weather:
Scattered showers and thunderstorms are expected throughout the day along with gusty and erratic outflow winds that may gust up to 40 mph. Showers will be hit-or-miss in nature, and are expected to end overnight. Thursday afternoon and evening bring more chances for scattered storms, but no widespread wetting rains are anticipated.