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Washakie Park
Unit Information
Incident Contacts
- Washakie Park Fire InformationEmail:2022.washakiepark@firenet.govPhone:3073020075Hours:M-F, 8-8P, S-S, 8-8P
Washakie Park Fire Daily Update-Monday September 12, 2022
Washakie Park
Publication Type: News 09/14/2022
Current Situation:
GPS data from ground crews working the fire line allowed for more accurate mapping, adjusting the total acres from yesterday’s aerial mapping down to 2488 acres. The fire is located in remote and rugged terrain. Current containment of the fire is at 15% as a result of direct line construction and fire line assessment from ground crews securing the fire line edge. This fire is being managed under a full suppression strategy, ensuring all actions reflect a commitment to incident personnel safety and public safety.
Operational plan for today:
Crews will continue to assess structure protection in Washakie Park and the St Lawrence Ranger Station. Direct line construction will continue in all divisions as well as indirect containment lines on portions of the fire in anticipation of any increased fire behavior from the anticipated weather pattern moving into the fire area on Tuesday afternoon. Work will continue with the Wyoming UAS (unmanned aircraft systems) mod, equipped with an IR camera. Flight imagery will be used to located and address any spot fires that may be outside of the main fire perimeter. The Type 1 helicopter and the two Type 3 helicopters will continue water drops in communication with ground crews to work areas of heat.
Shoshone and Arapaho Fish and Game Road Closure:
The Shoshone and Arapaho Fish and Game have issued a road closure for the Washakie Park Road and Sage Creek Road to St. Lawrence located within the Wind River Indian Reservation.
Fire Conditions and Weather:
High pressure will continue to bring dry and warm weather through Monday night. Wind will remain mainly light, and terrain driven through Monday night. Increasing moisture moving in from the south will increase the chance of showers Tuesday afternoon and into Wednesday.