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Washakie Park
Unit Information
Incident Contacts
- Washakie Park Fire InformationEmail:2022.washakiepark@firenet.govPhone:3073020075Hours:M-F, 8-8P, S-S, 8-8P
Washakie Park Fire Daily Update-Friday September 9th 2022
Washakie Park
Publication Type: News 09/11/2022
Current Situation:
The Washakie Park Fire was first discovered at approximately 1430 on Tuesday September 6th. The fire is currently mapped at 1764 acres gathered from satellite imagery the morning of September 8th. The fire is located in remote and rugged terrain. At 0600 on Friday September 9th, The Wyoming Type 3 Incident Management Team assumed command of the fire. This fire is being managed under a full suppression strategy, ensuring all actions reflect a commitment to incident personnel safety and public safety. Operational plan for today:
Crews will assess structure protection in Washakie Park and the St Lawrence Ranger Station. Crews will continue to scout and begin indirect fireline construction around the fire edge utilizing the cooler weather to look for opportunities to go direct. Areal resources will be available to assist ground crews throughout today as well as provide any initial attack support that may be needed.
Shoshone and Arapaho Fish and Game Road Closure:
The Shoshone and Arapaho Fish and Game have issued a road closure for the Washakie Park Road and the Sage Creek Road to St. Lawrence located within the Wind River Indian Reservation.
Fire Conditions and Weather
Friday temperatures will be cooler with abundant low cloud cover. Light rain and drizzle look likely throughout the day. Friday night is expected to be cool with high RH throughout the night with light winds.