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White River & Irving Peak Smoke Update Sept 3/4, 2022
White River (& Irving Peak)
Publication Type: News 09/03/2022
Special Statement:The Washington Dept of Ecology and local Air Agencies haveannounced an Air Quality Alert for all of E Washingtonthrough 8am Sunday, due to risks posed by wildfire smoke.Details:
FireThe White River and Irving Peak Fires have burned a total of4,098 acres. The fires are a few miles W of Lake Wenatchee.Gusty winds from the NW are forecast, however Saturdayand Sunday will be cooler and more humid. Modest firegrowth is expected this weekend.
SmokeSmoke from many fires is covering the area. Winds areincreasing, and Sat night/Sun should see some minorimprovement. The thickest smoke from White River and IrvingPeak fires will remain West of Lake Wenatchee. ExpectMODERATE conditions Sat in Leavenworth, Wenatchee,Chelan. The smokiest time of day will likely be morning andmidday. Enough air may move in from the West to dilute thesmoke, and GOOD conditions may arrive by Sat evening. Sunshould be MODERATE, with potential for GOOD in themorning and evening. Mon may see a return to mostlyMODERATE conditions as southerly winds bring more smokefrom afar. At Lake Wenatchee and Plain, AQI will varybetween MODERATE and UNHEALTHY Sat. There should besome improvement over the day, with continued wind fromthe West likely bringing MODERATE Sat night, and GOODconditions Sun afternoon except very close to the fires.MODERATE and USG at Lake Wenatchee on Mon.