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NW Pasayten Fires Trail Closures
NW Pasayten Complex
Publication Type: Closures 09/06/2022
The following trails are closed:
- Trail #454 Monument 83
- Trail #461 Border
- Trail #482 Chuchuwanteen
- Trail #490 Heather Lake
- Trail #495 The Parks
- Trail #749 Castle Pass
- Trail #749.1 Joker Mtn
- Trail #473 Rock Creek
Partial closures for these trails:
- Pacific Crest Trail from Holman Pass (junction with trail #752 and trail #472.1) north to the Canadian border
- Trail #472 West Fork Pasayten from its junction with Trail #478 Robinson Creek in T40N R17E S8 to its junction with Trail #472.1 Holman in T39N R16E S35.
- Trail #473 Rock Creek from its junction with Trail #478 Robinson Creek in T40N R17E S5 to 0.6 miles east of Pacific Crest Trail #2000 in T40N R17E S9 (Coney Basin is not closed)
- Trail #478 Robinson Creek from its junction with Trail #474 Freds Lake to its northern terminus at the junction with Trail #533 Boundary Trail in T40N R18E S32
- Trail #533 Boundary from its junction with Trail #477 Hidden Lakes in T40N R18E S7 to its western terminus at Pacific Crest Trail #2000 in T40N R16E S20
- Trail #749 Castle Pass from the boundary of North Cascades National Park in T40N R14E S3 to its eastern terminus at Pacific Crest Trail #2000 in T40N R16E S19.
- Trail #752 Devils Ridge from its junction with Trail #738 Jackita Ridge in T38N R16E S10 to its eastern terminus at Pacific Crest Trail #2000 in T39N R17E S33.
- Trail Buckskin Ridge #498 from Silver Creek to the Jctn. with #478