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Swawilla Fire

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  • Northern Rockies Incident Management Team 6
    8am - 6pm Daily

Bridge Creek Daily Update - July 23,2024 07-23-2024

Swawilla Fire
Publication Type: News - 07/23/2024 - 14:00

News Release – July 23, 2024 
Bridge Creek Fire

Firefighters worked in extreme heat and moderate winds over the past few days to increase containment on the Bridge Creek fire. Using hand tools, large equipment and a helicopter.  The fire pushed hard to the south and crossed the Bridge Creek road in a few locations, moving into dry grass and light fuels. Fire managers expect limited fire growth on this fire Tuesday, which will give firefighters the opportunity to shore up dozer and control lines around it in preparation for the dry cold front and winds arriving on Wednesday.

A bulldozer did roll over in rough terrain on the southwest side of the fire on Monday and fortunately, the driver walked away with minimal injuries.

Several roads have been closed in the fire area to keep both the firefighters and the public safe during wildfire suppression: 
Bridge Creek Rd
Keno Mine Rd
Upper Bridge Creek Rd
SanPoil Rd
30 Mile Road
FIRE ACTIVITY: The weather remains unseasonably hot and dry and a dry cold front is predicted on Wednesday, which will bring strong winds to the fire. Firefighters are taking advantage of roads and topographic features (ridges, roads, streams) to build strong lines in preparation for this change in weather. Fire crews are working both day and night as needed to take advantage of more favorable fire behavior and working conditions. A helicopter is supporting ground crews with bucket drops on hotter areas.

In addition to the Bridge Creek Fire, there are two other fires burning in this region. The Swawilla Fire is expected to be the most active of the fires. Please refer to the Swawilla Fire update for more information on road closures, evacuations and other information related to that fire. This will be the last independent update on the Bridge Creek Fire. It will be included in the Swawilla Fire update in the future