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Stranger Creek II

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  • Isabelle Donziape Hoygaard
    (509) 800-7550

Six Mile and Stranger Creek II Fires FINAL Daily Update 08-24-2024

Six Mile, Stranger Creek II
Publication Type: News - 08/24/2024 - 07:57

Six Mile and Stranger Creek II Fires FINALDaily Update                                

August 24, 2024 

Quick Facts: Six Mile

Size: 113 Acres          Start Date: August 18th, 2024  Cause: Lightning

Location: Two miles east of Nine Mile Hellgate Road, near the head of Cottonwood Creek

Containment: 90%              Personnel: 25             Fire Strategy: Full suppression                     

Resources Assigned: 2 engines

 The Six Mile Fire was initiated by lightning and is located approximately 26 miles southwest of Inchelium and is burning in the Williams Flat fire footprint from 2019.  Yesterday crews conducted patrol of the fire and review of the snags to ensure containment for the fire.  Heavy equipment was utilized to rehabilitate non-primary line suppression efforts, such as dozer lines and staging areas.  The spike camp was dismantled and crews returned to ICP to be demobilized and returned to local districts or reassigned to nearby fires.  Six Mile is anticipated to be returned to local district on August 25th, 2024.

Quick Facts: Stranger Creek II Fire

Size: 66 Acres           Start Date: August 18th, 2024  Cause: Lightning

Location: ¼ mile east/southeast of South Twin Lake

Containment: 90%              Personnel: 79             Fire Strategy: Full suppression                     

Resources Assigned: 3 hand crews, 3 engines, 3 water tenders, 1 heavy equipment

The Stranger Creek II Fire was initiated by lightning and is located approximately 7 miles southwest of Inchelium and 1 mile east of Twin Lakes. Yesterday crews continued to work into the interior, searching for remaining hotspots over 150 feet into the interior of the fire.  Crews dismantled hose lays and heavy equipment was brought in to help with rehabilitation on non-primary lines.  Crews will continue with rehabilitation and patrol of the fire, with anticipation command returning to local district on August 25th, 2024.

We would like to thank the communities of Inchelium and Twin Lakes for their support of our staff and crews for the success in suppression of these fires!

Closures: Inchelium Highway in front of Inchelium Community Center will remain closed on August 24th, but should reopen after fire camp is demobilized on August 25th. 

Weather and Smoke:  An upper level area of low pressure will continue to influence the fire area with below normal temperatures, higher humidities, and potential for rain showers Saturday.  As the upper level low moves to the east the likelihood of a dry forecast with a decrease in clouds coupled with a slight warming trend increases into the early part of the workweek.