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Silver King Fire

Unit Information

115 East 900 North 
115 East 900 North 

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  • Public Information
    (435) 310-5450

Smoke Report 7-18-2024 07-18-2024

Silver King Fire
Publication Type: Announcement - 07/18/2024 - 07:00

**Smoke Report 7-18-2024**


Special Statement
This will be the last smoke outlook for the Silver King fire. 


The Silver King fire has burned 18,074 acres. The increase in
acreage was due to mapping updates. Containment has
increased to 78%. Minimal to low fire behavior is expected
today. Firefighters continue to mop-up and secure lines.
Small firing operations may occur to tie in and clean up
indirect line.


Yesterday, air quality for areas around the fire was GOOD to
MODERATE. Today, GOOD air quality is expected for most of
the area. Thunderstorms are possible, and if they do
develop, they can produce heavy rain and gusty outflow
winds. This may lead to a short-term increase in smoke.


Actions to take
When it’s smoky outside, it’s important to have an indoor
place to go with clean air. But, many activities can have
negative impacts on indoor air quality. To keep the indoor
air as clean as possible, avoid smoking or vaping,
vacuuming, and using gas, propane, or wood-burning