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Silver King Fire

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115 East 900 North 
115 East 900 North 

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  • Public Information
    (435) 310-5450

Silver King Fire Smoke Report - July 17, 2024 07-17-2024

Silver King Fire
Publication Type: Announcement - 07/17/2024 - 07:00

**Silver King Fire Smoke Report - July 17, 2024**


The Silver King fire has burned 17,750 acres, with minimal
fire growth over the last few days. Containment has
increased to 20%. Moderate to active fire behavior
continues. Firefighters continue building and reinforcing
firelines and protecting structures in further suppression


Yesterday, air quality for most areas around the fire wavered
between GOOD and MODERATE. Similar conditions are
expected today, as fire activity is expected to be similar and
winds are expected to be light. Thunderstorms are possible,
and if they do develop, gusty winds may increase smoke
production for a short amount of time.


Actions to take
Your animals can be impacted by smoke, too. Long exposure
to lower levels of smoke can irritate animals’ eyes and
lungs. If it’s smoky, consider limiting strenuous activity, and
provide plenty of drinking water to your animals. Limit dust
exposure by using low dust or dust-free feeds. Make sure to
take care of yourself too by limiting exposure or using an
N95 mask while tending to your animals.