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Halfway Hill Fire Update 07.27.22
Halfway Hill Fire
Publication Type: News 07/27/2022
Today, the Fishlake National Forest issued a new smaller area closure for the Halfway Hill Fire. This order opens the Paiute 01 Trail, while Chalk Creek (FR-100) and Sand Rock (FR-103) remain closed. For a more detailed description and full area closure refer to .
Areas of steep and rugged terrain with limited access continue to be challenging for suppression efforts. Firefighters are completing indirect line segments and securing control line while monitoring completed areas for any additional threats. Minimal smoke will be visible during the warmer hours of the day, while interior pockets continue to burn.
Rehabilitation work is still in progress on portions of the fire and a Burn Area Emergency Response (BAER) team is completing their assessments on potential threats to wildlife, archeological sites, residences, and infrastructure. The BAER team is assisting with stabilization actions to reduce the impacts of erosion and runoff. Monitoring cameras and gauges have been placed in strategic locations to provide fire visuals and increased runoff warnings.
Possible scattered showers and thunderstorms could develop over the higher elevation areas of the fire Wednesday through the end of the week. Overall rainfall totals are not expected to be especially large.
Fire Restrictions: Please note that fire restrictions have been imposed on multiple jurisdictions – including state, local, and federal lands – in many areas throughout Utah. Find statewide fire restriction information at
Road Closures: Edits to the Halfway Hill Fire closure order were made on 7/26/22. A closure order for the fire area remains in place but will be continuously reevaluated by the jurisdictional agencies involved with the fire. The closure order, including a full description of the trails, roads, and areas closed, along with maps are available at