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Halfway Hill Fire Update 07-11-22
Halfway Hill Fire
Publication Type: News 07/11/2022
Fire activity on the Halfway Hill Fire was more moderate Sunday as the gusty winds of the previous two days lessened. The fire is located directly south of Fillmore, Utah. Residents of the Virginia Hills subdivision are still under evacuation until fire managers and the Millard County Sheriff’s Office are confident residents can return to their homes safely. The status of evacuations and closures is continuously monitored based on current and expected fire activity. The fireline is not considered contained unless there is certainty fire will not continue to spread in the direction of residences. Firefighters are actively working in the subdivision and will do so until all areas of concern are addressed.Hot and dry conditions are predicted to continue throughout the week. Isolated showers and thunderstorms are possible, which could cause gusty and erratic winds that can cause extreme fire behavior.Great Basin Incident Management Team 4 assumed command of the Halfway Hill Fire Sunday. The Team is leveraging the accomplishments of the local initial attack firefighters, securing existing dozer lines and identifying other containment strategies. Challenges include heavy fuels, steep and rugged terrain, lack of roads, and heat. Please be aware of increased traffic in and around the fire area, particularly during early morning and late evening hours. Safety of the public and firefighters is the first priority on this and all wildland fires.Closure: The Fishlake National Forest has enacted an area closure for the safety of firefighters and the public. A map and description of the closure area are available at