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Texas Forts Fire

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Texas Forts Fire 7/14/2022 Daily Update

Texas Forts Fire
Publication Type: News 07/15/2022

Texas Forts Fire July 13,2022 Daily Update

Size: 122 acres
Containment: 40
Cause: Under investigation
Start Date: July 12, 2022 

Last night resources from Texas A&M Forest Service monitored the fire all night. They patrolled lines and mopped up any hot areas they could fine. 

This morning crews have swapped back out and day shift is currently on scene. An additional handcrew is on scene today and they will assist with completing hand line and cold trailing the perimeter of this fire. Much of the juniper duff has been holding heat for long durations, causing difficulties for firefighters to contain this fire. Today will continue to be hot and dry leading to continued burning of these fuels. With some potential storms this evening there will be the potential for lightning in the area and new fires tomorrow. Personnel will be working to mitigate the risk from heat and these potential storms while extinguishing this fire. 

A Temporary Flight Restriction (TFR) was put into place today and extends through Friday July 15th. Tonight there will be several resources remaining on the line to work a night shift to ensure the fire remains within the established perimeter.